Wednesday, January 30, 2008

In the Hinterlands

When driving up north, when the deciduous forest changed to scraggly jack pines, and the pastures left off for rocky outcroppings, my mom would say, "we're entering the hinterlands!" When it gets cold like this, it feels like the hinterlands right here!
The air temp didn't get above zero today. When we ventured out to go to school, I dressed the kids in their soft woolen unders, their school clothes, wool sweaters, and seemingly many layers of coats, hats, mittens, socks. They still love going outside! Gibbie still begs to play for longer in the snowbank (excuse me, dirt-encrusted icebank) on the way to the car. At school, their teacher asked if it was cold on the way to school with shivers in her voice. Gibbie nonchalantly and seriously responded, "just a little." Bundle up, and you hardly notice it!

So we've been playing indoors a lot! We've had a rennaisance of the art box. Here we are making valentines. So far none of them will actually make it into mailboxes, as I will explain in a moment. We are working with glue! I take scraps of used tin foil (or any other unusable, unrecycleable piece of small garbage; a pop bottle cap would work great) to make a little glue-pot, and squirt in a small amount of school-glue. The children apply the glue to the paper or table with q-tips, and then stick on scraps of colored paper. The beauty of these heart-felt creations is fleeting, alas. Part of the process for Gibbie is folding up his work after he finishes. Even if it's covered in wet glue. So it gets all glued to itself and crumpled up. I think all the love is glued in too!

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