Monday, October 1, 2007

This is the way the Babies Ride

I s'pose these rhymes are old as the hills, as I learned them on my Grandma's knees. Our kids like them too! This first is a rhyme for bouncing baby (or any little one) on the knees. On the last verse, baby leans back upside down. I've found I know right away whether or not a babe is ready for this kind of fun.

This is the way the children ride--clip...clop...clip....clop...
This is the way the ladies ride--trit, trop, trit, trot...
This is the way the gentleman ride-- trim trim trim trim trim...
This is the way the huntsman ride--gallupa-gallupa-gallupa-gallupa...
This is the way the farmers ride! GALLUPA! GALLUPA! GALLUPA! GALLUPA!
and THIS is the way the BABIES ride-- Wheeeeeeee! Wheeeeeeee! Wheeeeeee!
And there's one for tickling little feet. I stick my finger into the sole of the lil foot as if sticking in nails during the first bit, and slap the soles of the feet at the very end.
Stick a nail here, stick a nail there,
Stick a nail here, stick a nail there,
Shoe the old horsey, shoe the old mare,
but let the little pony go bare, go bare!
Of course, we have a little sing-song-y way of doing each rhyme. Sure, it's a lesson in rhyming, vocabulary, metered verse, memorization, music, rhythm. Primarily, though, it's a chance to laugh and giggle and squeal; and that's good for everyone. Right now, the older brother in the house is particularly delighted with anything that makes the little brother laugh and laugh, and the little one lives to make his brother do just that.
Ride a cock-horse to Banbury Cross,
Meet a fine lady upon a white horse;
with Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes,
she shall have music wherever she goes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the horse-riding rhyme too! It was always my favorite. Its so fun to think how long it's been going through the family!