Friday, February 15, 2013

February Happiness

 William is hardcore into books these days.  He can recite much of the thunderous "Hand Hand Fingers Thumb", which I'll bet you can too, if you have it at your house?
We were at the art museum today, and William was ecstatic and very loud in identifying everything he had a word for in all the artwork.  He saw Zeus rather fiercely turning Periphas into an eagle, and gleefully dubbed Periphas, "Duck!"  He was likewise enchanted with nursing Madonnas, singing "Baby!" and "Nonnies!"  Okay, all breasts got happy identifications.  There sure are a lot of them at the MIA!
 The sunlight is so much brighter in February.  We are heavily encrusted in snow and ice but the days are distinctly longer.  The light is so yellow!  The skies are so blue!
 My dear Grandparents, Loretta and Bob.   I pretty much love every picture of them, because I love them so much!
 A little neighborhood character.  I'm sorry the digits are faded away so we're no help if you want to buy horses.  It's been so much fun watching Paul go through the whole process of putting together another show, funded by a grant for neighborhood artists.  His show documents our changing neighborhood as a light rail line is constructed down our University Avenue.
The darkroom has been bumping!  I got to help him install the show, and everything looks great.  You can see it and pick up a fresh donut at Suga Rush bakery through February!
Or wonderful new housemate, Jess, has been helping me revamp the whole house!  I would say this picture is indicative of the general "before" state of things: cluttered, untidy,  generally askew, sunny, bursting at the seams with projects, and gloriously chaotic!
I've been working so long trying to fight back this chaos with limited success--I really needed outside help.  Hopefully by Easter we'll have some gloriously harmonious after photos!  We've finished the basement, pantry, and kitchen in just a few short work days!

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