Saturday, August 25, 2012

Messiah Music: Song list for August 26th

Jeff and Jackson Kidder at a coffehouse
I thought I'd experiment with trying to post a list of the upcoming songs for Sunday worship at our church, Messiah.
It's last minute this week, but we'll be singing:
Christ whose glory fills the skies (#7 in the 1982 Hymnal)
 Bright the Vision
People of God
Mass of Plenty
Jeff Kidder's arrangement of the Lord's Prayer
Kidder's Sanctus
Deep Within
We will run
All my days
The Day of Resurrection (Hymnal #210)

Gibbie and Johnny at the lock and dam

I definitely can't copy the music because of copyright, but if there's enough interest I could try to provide a songlist with Paul's help. Possibly on Tuesdays?

So, here's how I do it: I just page through my bulletin each week and pull out a copy of any song I like that we don't have a copy of at home yet.  I put them in a folder.  Before you know it, you have a quite complete songbook for Messiah!

Lukey and Ezra at swimming lessons!
Let me know if this would be helpful to you.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Love it. Thank you so much, Libby! :)