Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wearing Warm things!

We've had a cold snap and opened up the cedar chest to find our winter things! So refreshing to have a sharp chill in the air and seek comfort in our warm woolens. Ezra won't sit still for pictures these days, but Gibbie will!
Gibbie and Ezra are both sporting sweaters made by their grandmother Oma. Gibb's has a bunny on the pocket. The hat next to him is Oma's interpretation of a crazy, jester-type hat in a book they like to read together.
Ezra has on one of my favorite little cardigans. His hat and mittens I just made, inspired by the coming fall and thanks to a wonderful lady at our church who has given me some beautiful yarn. More of these projects to come. We tie all of our mittens on strings, as we will otherwise lose track of them immediately.
These are Evra's darling little socks. It is my firm belief that nothing will stay on a baby's feet unless it is tied on.
All the love knitted into these snuggly woolens will keep us warm all winter long! (along with an arsenal of extras of everything!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Grammers loves these boys so!