Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sunday Afternoon

This is Fiona (or, as Gibbie say it,"Finona"). She's Gibbie and Ezra's only cousin so far. She was a one of the benefits of our day not going according to plan. We had intended to spend today in my home town of Menomonie, WI, but the winter storm put and end to that. Instead, we spent the afternoon at Libby's parent's house.

When I told Gibbie that we were going to Oma's house, (Oma is his word for Libby's mom) he said "for my birthday?" Little did I know that he was right. She had a left-over present from last week: these great fringe pants and cowboy shirt!

Part of the beauty of being in a community of people, be it an extended family or not, is that people share responsibility. Just having someone trusted hold my baby for a while is such a relief! Here Doug is doing that for Robert and Natalie by taking Fiona for a while.

When I look back upon it, I'm delighted at how the afternoon passed without any entertainment except for each other's company. We didn't even get in a board game.If you want to read more about Fiona, look at her blog:

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